Entrepreneurs and their business plan

We provide future business owners our back up with a professional business plan which is essential for their business. The ...

We provide future business owners our back up with a professional business plan which is essential for their business. The report contains all the market research, marketing mix and financial sections. Commencing a business with solid finance depends on your persuasion to become a professional entrepreneur and your power to sell your business idea. The guarantee we offer is an excellent business plan template with all the content.

Here we discuss the Financial section, one aspect of the business plan template:

  • Investment Budget and financing: This is also called the opening balance sheet. Here is stated what you want to invest in fixed tangible assets, fixed intangible assets and current assets and how it’s financed.
  • Notes on the investment budget: Each item of the investment budget is calculated and explained. This is necessary so the investor or bank can see that you have carefully thought about the investment and therefore their risk is reduced.
  • Profit and loss statements: This is also called the Operating Budget. In this section the revenues are calculated as a result from the market-research. This is done for the following 3 years. To obtain a net-profit we have to deduct the costs which are slighty dependent of the business you want to start.
  • Notes on the Profit and loss statements: Each item of the profit and loss statement is calculated and explained. This is necessary so the investor or bank can see that you have calculated the revenues according to the market-research and are not just vague estimates.
  • Cash flow forecast: This is also called the Liquidity Budget. At the beginning you start with the working capital which is a current asset and is a result of the Liabilities minus the investment in fixed and other current assets. Of course this can be raised with a request of a current account. From there the revenues are added and the expenses are deducted.
  • End balance sheet: The end balance is described to have an exact picture of where you stand with your business in the following 3 years.

In composing tailored business plans for our clients we have more than 12 years of solid experience. We experienced the same questions from start-up and scale –up entrepreneurs. Therefore, this made us decide to provide a general business plan template in Word with full support.

So, visit our site now and download your business plan format.


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